Project Euler Problem 4 – Largest palindrome product
The Problem
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.
Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
The Test Case
class Problem4Test < Minitest::Unit::TestCase def test_largest_palindrome_product2 solver = 2 ans = solver.solve assert_equal 9009, ans end end
The Logic
First, find the highest possible product by multiplying the highest two digit factors together. 99 x 99 = 9801.
With highest product, we can iterate backwards and test if it is a palindrome.
If it is a palindrome, we then find its factors that are 2 digits.
Then we check each one to see if the other factor is also 2 digits.
If so, we’ve found our answer.
The Code
class Problem4 def initialize num_digits @num_digits = num_digits end def solve max_factor = 10**@num_digits - 1 product = max_factor * max_factor # iterate from max product down to 1 product.downto(1) do |i| # if it is a palindrome if is_palindrome i # get all factors factors = divisors_of i # iterate through each factor and divide i by factor factors.each do |f| x = i / f # if x length is equal to num digit, we found our answer if x.to_s.length == @num_digits return i end end end end return nil end def is_palindrome int str = int.to_s str == str.reverse end # return all factors that are of length num_digit def divisors_of num (1..num).select { |n| num % n == 0 && n.to_s.length == @num_digits } end end