How to Develop a Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL App Using Docker
This is a continuation of previous tutorials on how to build and deploy a full-stack Next.js, FastAPI, and PostgreSQL app.

The branch for this tutorial:
The complete project:
Docker is a tool that allows you to run your software in containers. A container is a process and filesystem that is isolated from the processes and filesystem of your host machine. The custom filesystem is provided by a container image. Using docker, you will be able to run your software in a consistent environment every time. This is particularly useful when you have to onboard many developers onto a project and you end up in a situation where it works on one machine, but not the other due to differences in the host machine. Docker alleviates this very common problem.
The first step is to install Docker Desktop.
Once you have downloaded and installed it, you are ready for the next step.
Open up the nfp-boilerplate
project in VSCode or whichever text editor you use.
Building and running containers
The images used in this tutorial can be found on Docker Hub. We are using the official python and node images.
Create Dockerfile
in nfp-backend
FROM python:3.9
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD [ "uvicorn", "main:app", "--reload", "--host", "" ]
In .env
, you will want to change the localhost
string in your DATABASE_URL
to host.docker.internal
. It should look something like this.
This allows the app inside the container to connect to the PostgreSQL instance running on your host machine.
Build the image.
$ docker build -t nfp-backend .
The -t
flag tags the images.
Run the container.
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -it --rm --name nfp-backend-running nfp-backend
- The
flag maps the host port to the container port.HOST:CONTAINER
- The
flags are commonly used in combination for terminal access. It is shortened to-it
. - The
flag ensures container is automatically removed when it exists. nfp-backend-running
is the name of the running container.nfp-backend
is the name of the image.
Create Dockerfile
in nfp-frontend
FROM node:16
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD [ "npm", "run", "dev" ]
CD into nfp-frontend
and run the build:
$ docker build -t nfp-frontend .
Run the container:
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm --name nfp-frontend-running nfp-frontend
Bind Mounts
You’ve learned how to build and run a container, however, this isn’t the ideal way to develop because changes to your files on your host filesystem won’t be reflected in the container. To remedy this issue, you can use a bind mount.
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -it --rm --name nfp-backend-running -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app nfp-backend
The -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app
will map your current directory to the /usr/src/app
directory in the container. Now, the changes you make will be reflected in the container.
For the frontend, you will have to create this .babelrc
"presets": ["next/babel"]
Otherwise, you’ll get this error: error - Failed to load SWC binary, see more info here:
The bind mount can now be used for the frontend:
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm --name nfp-frontend-running -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app nfp-frontend
Docker Compose
These docker commands can get quite long and unwieldy to type out. Docker Compose allows you to write all of the configurations into a YAML file and run everything in a single command.
Create a docker-compose.yml
in the project root.
version: "3.9"
build: nfp-backend
- 8000:8000
- ./nfp-backend:/usr/src/app
build: nfp-frontend
- 3000:3000
- ./nfp-frontend:/usr/src/app
Run docker compose:
$ docker compose up
With one command, you can build and run all of the containers at the same time.
Database container
Let’s add a Postgres container to our docker setup. Add the following to the docker-compose.yml
under services
image: postgres:14
restart: always
POSTGRES_USER: nfp_boilerplate_user
POSTGRES_DB: nfp_boilerplate_dev
Since we’re changing from using the database instance running on our host to the one running inside of the container, we’ll have to change our database host in .env
and alembic.ini
In .env
In alembic.ini
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://nfp_boilerplate_user:password@db/nfp_boilerplate_dev
Notice that the host has changed to db
in both files.
Type ctrl+c
to shut down the currently running process.
Then run docker compose again:
$ docker compose up
We will need to run the migrations again since this is a new DB.
Open a terminal into the backend container. First, start by checking the running docker processes.
$ docker ps
Then run this:
$ docker exec -it nfp-boilerplate_backend_1 bash
Note: Make sure the container name matches what was listed from the docker ps
Inside of the container, run migrations:
$ alembic upgrade head
Then, exit the container:
$ exit
Open a terminal into the database container:
$ docker exec -it nfp-boilerplate_db_1 bash
Open a psql session:
$ psql -U nfp_boilerplate_user nfp_boilerplate_dev
Verify that the tables were created.
# \dt
Verify the app is still functioning in by going to http://localhost:3000/notes
in your browser.
Docker networks
It is worth mentioning that Docker Compose manages the entire setup of the Docker network. All the services in your docker-compose file will be able to communicate with each other by their hostname, which is automatically set to their service name. For example backend
, frontend
, and db
For example, inside of the frontend container, you can call the backend and vice versa:
$ curl backend:8000
This is why we were able to change the database host to db
in the database settings.
Named volumes
If you’d like to persist your database data, you can use a named volume to do so.
Add the following to the docker-compose.yml
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
The final docker-compose.yml
should look like this:
version: "3.9"
build: nfp-backend
- 8000:8000
- ./nfp-backend:/usr/src/app
build: nfp-frontend
- 3000:3000
- ./nfp-frontend:/usr/src/app
image: postgres:14
restart: always
POSTGRES_USER: nfp_boilerplate_user
POSTGRES_DB: nfp_boilerplate_dev
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
Type ctrl+c
to shut down the docker compose process.
Then run:
$ docker compose down
Then bring the containers back up with:
$ docker compose up
The data in the container should have persisted. Without the named volume, the data would be wiped forever if the image gets removed.
To see your volumes:
$ docker volume ls
Congratulations. You have set up a consistent development environment with Docker. If you find yourself running into the “It works on my machine” problem often, then consider taking a look at Docker. A small investment now might save you and your team wasted hours in the future.