An easier and faster way to build Next.js apps


What if there was an easier and faster way to build Next.js apps?

There is. It’s a free and open source tool called shadrizz, a full stack TypeScript scaffolding automation framework.

This tool was heavily inspired by Ruby on Rails. As you can see, the scaffold commands are very similar:

npx shadrizz@latest scaffold post -c name:varchar title:varchar content:text
rails generate scaffold Post name:string title:string content:text

Within seconds, you can have a Create Read Update Delete user interface, pagination, collapsible sidebar with menu, authentication and authorization, breadcrumbs, search, and sorting.

If you need assistance in designing your schema, you can use the AI Scaffold command. This will start an interactive wizard to help you build your ap.

Just describe your wish in plain English.

shadrizz writes code to your Next.js project.

Using git, you can review every line of code that is changed.

This approach of code generation is greatly inspired by shadcn/ui.

The code is easy to change and customize.

The JavaScript ecosystem has an overwhelming number of tools to choose from which can lead to JavaScript fatigue.

That is why shadrizz uses a handpicked selection of technologies:

  • shadcn/ui and TailwindCSS for the front end
  • SQL and Drizzle ORM for the back end
  • TypeScript and Next.js to tie it all together
  • Auth.js for authentication and Zod for data validation

Deliver apps easier and faster than ever.

shadrizz is free and open source.

Premium plans are available for advanced features like AI-assisted scaffolding.

Thanks for reading.