12.04.2024 |
An easier and faster way to build Next.js apps
07.16.2024 |
shadriz – Full Stack TypeScript Automation Inspired by Ruby on Rails
03.13.2022 |
Advanced Python: Using decorators, argparse, and inspect to build Fastarg, a command line argument parser library
01.10.2022 |
FastAPI vs. Fastify vs. Spring Boot vs. Gin Benchmark
01.01.2022 |
FastAPI vs. Express.js vs. Flask vs. Nest.js Benchmark
12.31.2021 |
How to Build a Command Line Interface Tool with Python, Pandas, Typer, and Tabulate for Data Analysis
12.25.2021 |
Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL Tutorial
12.24.2021 |
How to Test an API with Pytest and Requests
12.24.2021 |
How to Build a User Authentication Flow with Next.js, FastAPI, and PostgreSQL
12.12.2021 |
How to Develop a Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL App Using Docker
12.06.2021 |
How to Deploy Next.js, FastAPI, and PostgreSQL with Shell Scripts
12.02.2021 |
How to Build a Full Stack Next.js, FastAPI, PostgreSQL Boilerplate Tutorial
11.29.2021 |
How to deploy Next.js with Nginx and PM2
11.28.2021 |
How to deploy FastAPI with Nginx and PM2
11.27.2021 |
How to deploy FastAPI with Nginx and Supervisor
11.29.2020 |
Docker Cheatsheet
11.28.2020 |
Simple Global State Management in Next.js
11.26.2020 |
One Punch Man
10.09.2016 |
How to deploy a Vue.js app to Heroku
05.24.2016 |
7 Tips for Recent Coding Bootcamp Grads
06.03.2015 |
Convert Exported Evernote HTML Files Into Text Files
05.11.2015 |
Lessons Learned Building a Rails App With Wildcard Subdomains
04.24.2015 |
SSL Certificate, Nginx, Ruby on Rails
04.05.2015 |
Ruby on Rails, Sending Email with sendmail on Ubuntu VPS
03.21.2015 |
Ruby on Rails, Nginx, Unicorn, Postgresql, Capistrano
03.16.2015 |
How to Set Up a Wildcard Subdomain on Heroku
03.15.2015 |
Ruby on Rails Dynamic Forms
03.13.2015 |
Code School JavaScript Best Practices Notes
03.10.2015 |
Lessons Building a Simple iOS + Backbone.js + Ruby on Rails App
02.24.2015 |
iOS Gray Out View and Add an Activity Indicator in the Center
02.24.2015 |
Undoing Published Commits with Git
02.23.2015 |
Project Euler Problem 4 – Largest palindrome product
02.16.2015 |
ReCaptcha Gem Custom Theme
02.09.2015 |
Project Euler Problem 3 – Largest prime factor
02.04.2015 |
Project Euler Problem 2 – Even Fibonacci Numbers
02.03.2015 |
Project Euler Problem 1 – Sum of Multiples of 3 and 5
02.02.2015 |
iOS Equal Width Auto Layout Tutorial
02.01.2015 |
Incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to ‘int *’ from ‘int’
01.31.2015 |
JavaScript Augmentation
01.30.2015 |
JavaScript Global Imports
01.29.2015 |
JavaScript Anonymous Closures
01.28.2015 |
JavaScript Namespacing
01.26.2015 |
Trello vs. KanbanFlow vs. Pivotal Tracker vs. Asana vs. Basecamp
01.25.2015 |
HTML5 Geolocation and Ruby Geocoder
01.24.2015 |
Ruby on Rails Geolocation
01.23.2015 |
JavaScript Numbers
01.22.2015 |
JavaScript Brackets
01.21.2015 |
Ruby on Rails Render vs. Redirect
01.20.2015 |
JavaScript Eval
01.19.2015 |
The Elements of Style
01.18.2015 |
JavaScript With Statement
01.17.2015 |
JavaScript Exception Handling
01.16.2015 |
Design Consistency
01.15.2015 |
Random Retro Avatar
01.14.2015 |
Responsive CSS Breakpoints
01.13.2015 |
WordPress Custom Post Type Current Page Parent
01.12.2015 |
iOS Programming Vocabulary 5
01.11.2015 |
iOS Programming Vocabulary 4
01.10.2015 |
JavaScript Comparisons
01.09.2015 |
JavaScript Measuring Performance with console.time
01.08.2015 |
JavaScript Short Performance Tips
01.07.2015 |
JavaScript Script Execution
01.06.2015 |
JavaScript Loop Optimization
01.05.2015 |
JavaScript Switch Fall-Through
01.04.2015 |
Handcrafted CSS
01.03.2015 |
JavaScript AND Assignment
01.02.2015 |
iOS Programming Vocabulary 3
01.01.2015 |
New Year’s Resolution 2015
12.31.2014 |
JavaScript OR Assignment
12.30.2014 |
JavaScript Ternary Conditional
12.29.2014 |
Ruby on Rails 4 Session Cookie
12.28.2014 |
Launch Sublime Text 3 from Command Line
12.27.2014 |
HTTP Request Response Cycle
12.26.2014 |
Useful curl Commands
12.25.2014 |
How to Symlink a File in Mac OS X
12.24.2014 |
Guard::LiveReload Automatic Browser Reload
12.23.2014 |
How to Deploy an iPhone App
12.22.2014 |
How to Set Up A Custom Domain on Heroku
12.21.2014 |
Useful Sublime Text User Preferences for Ruby on Rails Development
12.20.2014 |
How to Install Postgresql on Mac OS X
12.19.2014 |
Beware of DNS Propagation
12.18.2014 |
Ruby on Rails Mountable vs. Full Engine
12.17.2014 |
CoffeeScript Fat Arrow
12.16.2014 |
How Swing Copter Inspired Me to Learn iOS Development
12.15.2014 |
Design Tips for Developers
12.14.2014 |
Don’t Use WEBrick on Production
12.13.2014 |
How to Keep Heroku Dyno from Idling
12.12.2014 |
Omniauth with Ruby on Rails, Devise, and Twitter
12.11.2014 |
Useful Software for Ruby on Rails Development on Mac OS X
12.10.2014 |
10 Useful Ruby Gems
12.09.2014 |
Free Background Processes on Heroku with One Web Dyno
12.08.2014 |
How to Increase Sublime Text Sidebar Font Size
12.07.2014 |
Useful Sublime Text Plugins
12.06.2014 |
Hello world!
08.05.2011 |
ITC 280 assignment 10
08.05.2011 |
Information about hosting
08.04.2011 |
Illustrator Adding Strokes to Text
08.02.2011 |
ITC 280 assignment nine
07.31.2011 |
ITC 280 Assignment eight Part two
07.30.2011 |
ITC 280 assignment eight
07.27.2011 |
ITC 280 Assignment Seven
07.25.2011 |
Illustrator Slice Tool
07.25.2011 |
Illustrator notes
07.23.2011 |
Illustrator Symbols
07.22.2011 |
Random Background Script for BG Stretcher using PHP shuffle function
07.19.2011 |
ITC 280 assignment six
07.19.2011 |
ITC 280 Assignment 5
07.18.2011 |
Easy Nivo Slider Plug-In for WordPress
07.17.2011 |
WordPress Sandbox
07.14.2011 |
ITC 280 Assignment 4
07.11.2011 |
New BG Stretcher Slideshow With Pager Added
07.09.2011 |
ITC 280 Assignment 3
07.09.2011 |
WordPress Customized Meta Widget
07.08.2011 |
CSS conditional comments for Internet Explorer
07.08.2011 |
Clearfix for IE vs Firefox
07.05.2011 |
JQuery Cycle Plugin
07.04.2011 |
JQuery Slider
07.04.2011 |
WordPress Page Navigation
07.01.2011 |
ITC 280 Web Databases Assignment 2
06.29.2011 |
ITC 280 Web Databases Assignment One
06.29.2011 |
Difference between Categories and Tags
06.28.2011 |
Good Social Media Sharing Plug-In for WordPress
06.28.2011 |
Subscribe2 plug-in for WordPress
06.27.2011 |
Thoughts on Blueprint CSS Framework
06.25.2011 |
Ordering subpages in WordPress
06.25.2011 |
Testing Video with Shadowbox
06.24.2011 |
Summer Break
06.24.2011 |
cool shadowbox plug-in
06.24.2011 |
Flickr plug-in for WordPress
06.23.2011 |
How to link to the CSS3 validator
06.23.2011 |
jQuery scrollTo plugin
06.16.2011 |
Good Social Media Icons
06.14.2011 |
Background Stretcher Part Two
06.13.2011 |
Background Stretcher
06.13.2011 |
Cropping Images in Photoshop without Distortion
06.13.2011 |
CSS for Fixed Background Image
06.13.2011 |
CSS Child Selector Used with Drop-Down Menu Widget
06.12.2011 |
What is Lorem Ipsum?
06.11.2011 |
WordPress Code To Show a List of Recent Posts
06.11.2011 |
Where can I get some?
06.11.2011 |
WordPress get_template_part()
06.11.2011 |
CSS Clear Fix
06.11.2011 |
Semi-Transparent Backgrounds
06.10.2011 |
Why do we use it?
06.10.2011 |
Where does it come from?
06.09.2011 |
CSS for Changing the Input Fields in WordPress
06.09.2011 |
Good Drop-Down Menu Plug-In for WordPress
06.09.2011 |
wp_head and wp_footer
06.09.2011 |
You Cannot Stop Inheritance in CSS
06.08.2011 |
The 12 Column Wireframe for this Site
06.08.2011 |
Good WordPress Contact Form Plug-In
06.07.2011 |
Copying and Pasting Code In Eclipse
06.07.2011 |
Don’t Forget to Instantiate
06.06.2011 |
Auto Format Option for Android XML in Eclipse
06.06.2011 |
SQL Helper Class Example
06.06.2011 |
SQL Insert Syntax for Android
06.06.2011 |
SQL Update Syntax for Android
06.06.2011 |
Content Values
06.06.2011 |
Class Scope Variable
06.05.2011 |
SQL Lite for android tip
06.03.2011 |
How to add an android device?
06.02.2011 |
‘Thread was being aborted’ error in ASP.NET
05.30.2011 |
How to List Sub Pages Even If on a Sub Page in WordPress
05.29.2011 |
Google Font API
05.27.2011 |
Immediate Parent Page Title in WordPress
05.27.2011 |
Static Grandparent Page Title in WordPress
05.27.2011 |
C# SelectedValue vs. SelectedItem
05.26.2011 |
WordPress is_home() vs. is_front_page()
05.26.2011 |
05.25.2011 |
Reading Data with LINQ
05.25.2011 |
How to Make a Clipping Mask in Illustrator
05.25.2011 |
Grid View in ASP.net
05.25.2011 |
How to Run a SQL Script in Visual Studio
05.25.2011 |
How to Connect to SQL Database in Visual Studio
05.25.2011 |
Basic Color Theory
05.25.2011 |
Query String in ASP.net
05.25.2011 |
Ajax in ASP.net
05.25.2011 |
C# TryParse
05.25.2011 |
ASP.net Validation Controls
05.25.2011 |
CSS Positioning Tip
05.25.2011 |
How to Redirect a Page in ASP.net
05.25.2011 |
Session Variable
05.25.2011 |
Photoshop Tracing
05.25.2011 |
SQL Server Not Letting You Save Tables?
05.25.2011 |
How to Generate Script of Database in SQL Server
05.25.2011 |
Moving a Database in SQL Server Management Studio
05.25.2011 |
Photoshop Macro
05.25.2011 |
MS SQL Server Management Studio
05.25.2011 |
How to Make a 12 Column Grid in Illustrator
05.24.2011 |
Gradients, Drop Shadows, and Rounded Corners
05.24.2011 |
How to Make a Color Palette in Illustrator
05.20.2011 |
05.19.2011 |
Android New Layout Checklist
05.19.2011 |
How to Define a Pattern in Illustrator
05.18.2011 |
WEB200 Visual Design Assignment